An idea machine, connector of people, follower of Jesus and wedding photographer.
get to know me
This month I potted some plants!
I decided that it was finally time. Our deck needed a little TLC, so in one weekend I deep cleaned the whole house, ran every errand known to man, cleaned out every drawer and closet and planted these beauties! Don’t you love all the green?!
This month I had THE MOST FUN photographing
…from a groom that gave his bride a Razor scooter, to wading through wildflowers with a precious couple, it was a hard month to beat!! I had my first double-header wedding weekend (a Saturday and Sunday wedding), and it got me good. The next day, I felt like I had been hit by a truck and developed severe jetlag 😂 Nevertheless, it was an incredibly exhilarating weekend of celebration and work.
This month I did a lot of weird things at church.
We had a paper airplane contest, photographed some big events, cheered on missionaries pep-rally-style and hung out with my favourite peeps.
This month we celebrated Easter!
Since last year we were all scattered for Easter, we didn’t take for granted what a joy it was to worship God together on a glorious Sunday morning. Church was outside, and we did our traditional Easter egg hunt. The kids loved it, and so did we!
This month I got to be at a wedding with my sister!
We danced the night away, got sunburned, ate cake and got to catch up for a few minutes! I was photographing this wedding in Georgia, so it was a fun way to hang out and selfishly I loved that she got to see me in action! It’s a great thing to be known, right?
This month we experienced an outpouring of love
My sister and brother-in-law got in a car accident, so my whole family stepped into help with Brynlee and Joshua, my favourite little people in the whole wide world! Thankfully, B and J weren’t in the car at the time of the accident, but Meg and Alex have experienced a lot of pain and trauma. Our church family has been so very kind to stand in the gap with us, and I’m also so grateful for time with the littles. Life is a gift!
As always, you guys are the BEST for supporting me in this dream job. I’m thankful for this space on the internet to share God’s goodness, the joy He brings when we walk in step with Him and all the shenanigans that are part of this job!
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