An idea machine, connector of people, follower of Jesus and wedding photographer.
get to know me
This month by best friend gave me a ring.
No, not an engagement ring!
Over Christmas, I was praying about something intentionally and the Lord directed me back to Proverbs 3:5-6: “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” I’ve sang songs about this verse, memorized it and grew up reminding myself of it in seasons. This time it struck differently, though.
So often I don’t trust God because I believe my understanding to be greater. This verse, however, tells me that my understanding has no bearing on whether I can trust God or not. I ALWAYS can. My finite knowledge paired with His proven faithfulness leads me to trust that He does have good plans in store. His plans are good simply because they are His! Whether or not I understand a situation or have a certain amount of knowledge really doesn’t matter. God’s plans are good, and He directs my steps. Even if things don’t make sense in my head, I can trust that as the Spirit works in me, God is actively leading, growing, shaping and making me more like Jesus. I trust because He is worthy of it!
My bestie Rach gave me this ring “as a reminder that God loves you, sees you and will supply all your needs in Christ.” So I’m wearing this ring proudly and glancing at it every few minutes to remind me of this: trusting in the Lord is the goal. Step by step.
This month it snowed!
My roommate and I were dog sitting our favourite dog when we woke up to a majestic two-inch blanket of snow. At 6:30 a.m., we got up for a walk in a winter wonderland right outside our door, and it was a wonderfully refreshing day! We made snowflake-icing cinnamon rolls, worked with the curtains open and watched a movie in our pjs at 10:00 a.m. What a day!
This month I spent time with the littles.
Brynlee and Joshua, my niece and nephew, light up my life! They provide cuddles, laughs, sweet moments and funny conversations that stay with me for weeks on end. I’m thankful for these cuties!
This month I saw a lot of sunrises.
I said this last month, but it remains true! I continue to be amazed by the Lord’s handiwork in the sky at break of day, and I love starting my mornings with a glimpse of God’s wonder in creation!
This month I celebrated Valentine’s Day!
It’s one of my favourite holidays, no doubt.
“When I thought, “My foot slips,”
your steadfast love, O Lord, held me up.
When the cares of my heart are many,
your consolations cheer my soul.” – Psalm 94:18-19.
This is often how I feel about Valentine’s. Although I love it, it can be a challenging day because of my longing for marriage; I won’t refute that! But every year, the Lord shows up so kindly through my family and friends. And He did that again this year.
This month kicked off wedding season!
This spring is unusually full, but it was so fun having a spring-like wedding day in the middle of February! It gave so much hope that summer is coming, warmer days are ahead and celebrating couple’s is the main event of my calendar!
This month I got my work buddy back!
Rach and I started working together at coffee shops again in the afternoons and it makes me so happy. Rach’s schedule changed in January so it frees her up more to do a job she loves, and I reap the benefits of working beside my bestie!
This month I started filming for a new series!
I can’t wait to tell you more, but watch this space and my IGTV channel for an exciting development!
As always, I’m thankful that you follow along on this corner of the internet! Happy February!
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