An idea machine, connector of people, follower of Jesus and wedding photographer.
get to know me
I work part-time at my church on the creative team, if you peeps didn’t know! A year ago, we started working on a project: a conference for 6,000 pastors from across the U.S. A day and a half of teaching, worship and media centered around the Beatitudes. It was named K I N G D O M C H A R A C T E R.
Instead of providing a conference booklet for attendees, the idea of creating a book was birthed. The concept was to write and photograph stories of nine ministers who embody a specific Beatitude. So in subsequent months, we traveled to Houston, Salt Lake City, South Georgia, New Orleans and Louisville to do exactly that.
It was a wild ride (including horses, beignets and flight cancellations) but each of our team members was deeply impacted by these days. Each minister we spent time with had a true understanding of Jesus’ teachings and lived them out.
A few weeks later, a crew of us spent the week in Atlanta to film conference theme videos. 29 pastors, 14 cities, 7 ethnicities… It was a whirlwind to organize but an encouraging time for us. These videos were planned to start each session, talking about two beatitudes at a time.
Kingdom Character kept evolving as a very pertinent theme for the time in light of some conversations happening in the church. And God used it this weekend. It was timely, encouraging, refreshing and challenging.
We spent 26 hours at the BJCC over two days and got to watch the faces of pastors + wives as they flipped through the 140-page book, watched intro videos, worshipped and soaked in powerful sermons.
It was an honour to photograph key leaders in our convention as they spoke on meekness, persecution, righteousness, purity of heart, poverty of spirit, mourning, mercy, being salt and light and the Gospel.
This weekend was UNREAL. A camera on my shoulder, mic in my hand, phone in my hand coordinating with team members and shooting insta stories… phew, it was my dream life! Working on projects that serve to advance the kingdom fuels the fire of my faith.
I love my church. I love THE church. I love its people. I love the mission of God. I love the Gospel. Click here to view the image gallery from Pastors’ Conference!
Spring wedding season is finished! I had an absolute BLAST photographing SO MANY AMAZING PEOPLE! It was thrilling, energizing and such an honour to document life-altering (or should I say altaring?!) days for precious couples with whom I’ll continue friendships. But I’m also so glad for a summer break on the weekends! Thank you to all my couples from this spring who entrusted me with your day.
Probably getting asked to dance or asked out three times over two wedding days…. That’s where the fake engagement ring comes in handy!
These women will forever be so special to me! We finished two years of studying the Bible together and I am a different woman because of it. Praise God for you all!
This time, it was my turn to teach! Animate is a week-long camp for middle + high school students curious about worship and the arts. For two days, I taught these girls the basics of light, composition and camera sessions, then we went out an practiced! It was super fun to share my experiences with them and talk about how to use photography for the good of the Kingdom.
Do I dare even put words to these images?! They’re just so beautiful. Three magnificent, God-glorifying days and multiple sessions with precious people. What a happy month it was!
I had been feeling pretty lonely and burdened this month, I’ll be honest. The weight of owning a business, making investment decisions for the future, getting health insurance (bye bye 25), juggling balls of church service, friendships, work, family and sleep has been pretty unattainable. I dropped some balls as a human this month and the Lord has convicted me of living a hurried life with zero margin.
Yet, in moments where I feel like I’m going to explode, God has shown Himself in some really sweet ways… from my dentist giving me a discount, to spending time with friends who welcome me with open arms weekly, to leftover wedding flowers + cake that brighten up a whole room, to neighbours who fix tires on a whim… It was a sweet and necessary reminder that God is good to me. He doesn’t leave me alone. He woos me with His mercy and kindness. He is never distant, even if we are. These are two sights that reminded me of those truths!
I’ve spend maaany days looking at my computer screen and equal amounts sitting across a table from couples. It’s been a LOT of editing, a LOT of admin, a LOT of marketing, planning, prepping, emailing and who else knows what 🙂 But gosh, it’s fun to work with friends I love in spaces that inspire me!
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