An idea machine, connector of people, follower of Jesus and wedding photographer.
get to know me
This month I went to Charleston!
Read alllllll about it here. I had the best time with Rach and Kel!
This month I photographed a ZOO wedding…
… and it was WILD, pun for sure intended! We fed giraffes, dodged the rain right before the ceremony, wandered among colourful birds and celebrated these two in a big way on the dance floor. Look out for Jill + Bradley’s blog coming later in April!
This month I was reminded of something.
That I don’t have to diminish the feelings of longing. I wrote about it here if you want to read more, and these blog posts don’t come around very often! My best friend surprised me with these happies at my desk one day, and it was a reminder that I’m seen in the season I’m in right now, even amidst longing.
This month I did three shoots with Well Watered Women!
I’m so proud of Rach for pouring so much of her heart and energy into her job! She’s the creative director at Well Watered Women and they produce so many resources for women to spend time in scripture in accessible ways. I love getting to shoot for them!
This month I continued filming my IGTV series!
I know, I know … I’ve been promising these videos for foreverrrrrrr, and it’s not for lack of trying! I’ve been working on a really fun series with other wedding vendors and can’t wait for you to see. Working with Pen & Pastry was particularly enjoyable because, ya know, CAKE.
This month my Dad and I worked a wedding together.
What a sweet day it was to photograph a wedding that my Dad was officiating! My parents have never seen me in my element, and I loved having them there. Dad did a great job with the ceremony!
This month I produced a music video.
LOL, that sounds way more legit than it was! With my amazing coworkers at Shades, we produced a music video for Easter promotion. It was really fun getting to set a creative direction and watch it come to fruition. You can watch it here.
This month I got my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine!
And I totally cried. As I was pulling out of the parking lot, I had the biggest wave of relief. I’ll be fully vaccinated toward the end of April and I’m so thrilled and thankful.
This month’s new jams:
Walk on Water • Jireh • He Understands
This month’s clothing finds:
Old Navy jumpsuit (perfect for weddings) • Old navy jumpsuit (perfect for casual days)
Ya know, sometimes I just like to tell my friends about my great finds! These songs and jumpsuits have powered my days and encouraged me to have fun while I work!
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