An idea machine, connector of people, follower of Jesus and wedding photographer.
get to know me
I was in England when this was supposed to be published….oops! I was there with my Mama in our homeland, visiting family friends, walking the streets (or The North Laines) of Brighton and ending the week with photographing my best friend’s wedding….at my home church….where my Dad used to be pastor…. man, it was the best!
For those who are new here, I’m a native Brit living in Birmingham, Alabama. My family moved to the States when I was 12, and you can read our story here. It was my first time back since 2014, and it was refreshing to spend time there.
Now, for your monthly delight, here is the May edition of The Glimpse:
Favourite Meal
This isn’t even a competition. Sausage and chips on the beach with my Mama while attempting to hide from seagulls. They will unashamedly and indiscreetly prey on your food, and eating can be difficult when you’re using one hand to swat off seagulls and the other to cover your boxed food! Non-Brits think that seagulls are cool and idyllic, but if you’ve ever lived by the sea and been a victim of their unfortunate bowel movements…. not so cool.
Also… if you’ve never had fish and chips with curry sauce, then you haven’t lived. And if you’ve never eaten curry… let’s fix that soon.
Favourite Moment
I would show you a picture, but I can’t yet…. Jessica’s bridal portrait session blew my socks off! We hung out at the Botanical Gardens and the sun put on a majestic show for us close to sundown. I can’t wait to share these images and photograph their June 23 wedding!
Favourite News
I’ve moved! The house is just around the corner from my old one, but I’m excited to make some new memories. We’re calling it “Windsor Castle” because our street has a royal name (#GodSavetheQueen) and who doesn’t want to be a princess?! Aaaaaand this is my favourite part of the house 🙂
Favourite Random Moment
Whoever thought that I would be an “Inc.”?! I’ve officially become Eleanor Stenner Photography, Inc. in the eyes of the IRS and I feel like I’m a living Pixar movie.
Funniest Moment
Well, this was both the funniest and the worst! I got blood taken at the doctor the other day and ended up laying on a recliner, crying and sipping Sprite. Not my best moment! Thank goodness for friends that let you work with them when you feel bad.
Favourite Personal Picture
I finished off the semester with my 11th grade girls! We’ve been meeting weekly since their 7th grade year and it’s been a blessing to watch them mature and know Jesus more. This picture was taken right before a massive thunderstorm! #safestdgroupleader
As always, I can’t keep myself from sharing more than one picture! My Mama and I went and visited our hometown in Brighton, England and these are some of my most treasured images ever. You can catch the blog post here.
You can read April’s wrap-up here. I’ll catch you next month for June’s version of The Glimpse!
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