An idea machine, connector of people, follower of Jesus and wedding photographer.
get to know me
Being home for a week in Atlanta with all these peeps! We toured Chick-fil-A headquarters, went to the Georgia Aquarium, ate too much Truett’s Luau (Chick-fil-A’s take on Hawaii… if you haven’t heard of “tropical nuggets” you’re missing out). We hung out with my family for couple of nights and ate marshmallows (Dad held his over the fire pit for about an hour and we were all cracking up!), played games and talked for a long time. It was so fun to watch my worlds collide.
Kelsie girllllll got married! What an incredible day it was. Do you see that bridesmaid on the right? Well, that’s me. I was the primary photographer and bridesmaid for Kelsie’s wedding… you can read alllllll about that experience here 🙂
When I Photoshopped our faces on a tour bus… that’s really all you need to know. These people were born to have their faces on a bus.
These women right here are some of my all-time favs! It was such a gift to celebrate Kelsie marrying an incredible man who simply adores her. This is one of my top 10 days in life – spending it photographing and dancing with my besties!
I spent a week in Nashville for The Hybrid Collective! It was a conference for digital and film photographers and breakouts, keynotes and styled shoots were led by amazing photographers in the wedding industry. It was such a gift and encouragement to learn from them! I’d been anticipating this conference for a while, so exercising some creative muscles and hearing talks on best business practices was a win.
As usual, I have too many. Here are just a few sessions and weddings from May…
Dean + Susan Li | Big Spring Park Wedding, Huntsville Alabama
McKenzie Whitehead | Courtyard Senior Session, Birmingham, Alabama
Michelle + Rusty | Indian Springs At-Home Wedding, Birmingham, Alabama
Nick + Macey | Styled Shoot at Green Door Gourmet, Nashville, Tennessee
This is THE best sermon I’ve ever heard on singleness. Jon Tyson does an amazing job of being deeply encouraging, comforting, challenging and funny. Give it a listen if you have any single people in your life! It’s important to view single men and women not as junior members of society, but as active and valuable participants. The reward of our lives is knowing the King of Glory; this was a perfect reminder of it!
Shooting and editing! Not every month looks like this, but I just ended a six-week back-to-back stretch of weddings, along with 3-5 sessions per week. It’s been SO incredibly fun and exactly what I signed up for when I became a photographer 🙂
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