An idea machine, connector of people, follower of Jesus and wedding photographer.
get to know me
Favourite Moment
When this sweet thing and I started dating! Clay rivals me in Bible jokes, and he’s a precious, godly human with a huge heart for ministry who pursues me really well. It’s a gift to be your girl, Clay Wyatt!
Favourite News
My website is LAUNCHED! You’re here, so that makes sense. The amaaaazing Alex Wolf created my rebrand, and it was such a fun process walking through conversations with her. It helps that she’s one of my great friends, and she’s one of the most talented people I know with a brilliant mind. I’m so thrilled to share this new rebrand with you!! What are your thoughts?
Funniest Moment
We had to reschedule my rebrand shoot four times… Ha!!! It rained every time, but on the last try the sun showed up and out for me and the lovely Hannah Miller! She was a rockstar at capturing who I am and it was fun learning from her posing direction!
Favourite Personal Picture
We celebrated my sister and her soon-to-be baby boy! Some friends threw her a shower and I can’t believe he’ll be here so soon!
Favourite Education
I jumped on the Amy & Jordan Shooting and Editing Course! If you know me, you know I’m a sucker for some good education. I’ve loved following Amy & Jordan and am pumped to jump into this course!
Favourite Photograph
Favourite Piece of Encouragement
I finished the book Single. Dating. Engaged. Married. by Ben Stuart, and it’s the best book of it’s kind I’ve ever read. Order it today if you can, and it will really help shape your view of dating from a status to a process that honours God.
What I’ve Been Working On….
Can I be real for a minute? It was a weird month. There have been discouraging days — more than I’d like to count — but I’m always reminded that it’s part of the creative process. For a solid nine months, I’ve been churning out content and creative ideas and developing my business from the ground up… then one day I had a weird feeling that I had nothing to do! …which is not my personality at all. As I’ve worked through really long and boring days, I’ve had to work up willpower and discipline to work on things that always get bumped to the bottom of the list. I’m really glad October’s here and that fresh content is here!
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