An idea machine, connector of people, follower of Jesus and wedding photographer.
get to know me
This month I added a new member to our team!
Abbie Lee Webster is the first Eleanor Stenner Photography intern! I’m so glad to have her on the team as our Pinterest guru. She’s the cutest and I’m excited for you to see all she’s producing on my Pinterest page!
This month I got asked to be a bridesmaid!
My sister and I met in the middle between Birmingham and Atlanta and we hilariously went to Cracker Barrel at 5:00 p.m. on a Thursday night. She asked me to stand by her on her big day in March (with a camera in hand, of course!) and of course I said yes!
This month I traveled for a couple of weddings.
Decatur, Alabama and Columbia, Tennessee hosted two insanely fun weddings this month! I brunched and explored in Columbia before Shelly + Sean’s wedding, and roamed around James K. Polk’s house. Pretty cool!
This month I had to quarantine!
My roomie had COVID unfortunately, so I worked from home just to be doubly safe! We went on walks the opposite sides of the road from each other, brought some wildflowers home, worked from my bed a ton and exclusively wore the Comfy my bestie got for me. Pretty hilarious and amazing, if you ask me.
This month I saw some extraordinary sunsets.
I love living in Birmingham for all the overlooks and sunsets. Drive 10 minutes, and all you see is a huge expanse of sky from the city or from the hill.
This month my Mama came in town.
We had the best 24 hours drinking coffee, eating at The Essential, smelling the best flowers, wandering through plant stores and watching movies together.
This month I hung out with my girls a lot.
I love my college dgroup! We have Bible studies up on the overlook and on the couch and on Samford’s campus, but every time no matter the location, we learn and grow together and it’s just so sweet.
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