One Thousand Gifts

Ann Voskamp has quickly become one of my favourite writers.

For the past month, I have been reading her book One Thousand Gifts slowly, attempting to effectively take in all that she has written. May I just say this: if you haven’t read this book, it will most likely turn your life around. Her writing leaves you wanting to read more, grasp more, live more. Her thought process prompts one to assess how and if we are living a life of thanks, or as she says, “our life story in freeze frames of thanks” (Voskamp 82). 

Through the Holy Spirit, Ann’s writing has penetrated my heart. It has rocked me to the core. She now lives a life of thanks because the Lord awakened her to the fullness that thankfulness and joy brings.

Read her blog here. She posts everyday, and every day so far I have been astounded at the depth of her phrasing, content, and heart. 

Before I end this post, please let me quote a snippet from her book–one which brought me much comfort this morning in my little sanctuary-spot on campus and that allowed me a glimpse into the beautiful mystery of God’s heart:

“The Word has nail-scarred hands that cup our face close, wipe away the tears running down, has eyes to look deep into our brimming ache, and whisper, “I know. I know” (Voskamp 87). Image