An idea machine, connector of people, follower of Jesus and wedding photographer.
get to know me
Man, what a ridiculously crazy year! I’ve published a blog post every month in a series called The Glimpse. You can see all of them here! I flew across the country and the world, spent many a day in coffee shops, made friends as close as family, stood beside and photographed great friends getting married, held snuggly babies and learned so much about faith. Here’s the 2019 wrap-up you’ve all been waiting for! (or just me… I love a good list ;))
This year I also stepped into full time photography! It is a joy to serve incredible people through photography.
This year, I reallllly caught the travel bug! I’ve been to 15 states and nine countries, but I’ve made it my new yearly goal to travel to one new state or city. This year I was able to do both! There was a funny case of missing luggage and that time I spent 15 hours traveling from BHM > PHX (after we landed at the wrong airport — what?!), but thankfully those were the only crazy circumstances!
50 hours on planes.
15 trips to Atlanta.
5 connecting flights in Atlanta, New Orleans, Dallas, Baltimore and San Diego. Beignets and horses and lost luggage and an airport with only one luggage carousel… it was a weird time!
3 states visited: Arizona, Louisiana, Texas. Arizona was new for me, and I loved seeing Dallas for the first time!
2 family beach trips.
1 trip to England… five cities in 10 days!
2020 holds Israel, California, Florida and New York City! I can’t wait!!
290/365 days spent with my friend Rachael. I love living life with these two. They give 30,000 foot view perspectives consistently, encourage me to love Jesus more, invite me into their home with no questions asked, bring me into family activities and provide some of the dearest friendships I’ve ever had.
2,320 hours spent working.
1,210 minutes spent talking to Beka on Whats App.
300 hours spent photographing. And having my gal pal Al (haha) second shoot nine weddings for me was so fun!!!
200 hours spent working on SBC Pastor’s Conference (my favourite weekend of the year with this incredible team!). View some of our creations here!
100 grilled cheeses made at our staff Great Grilled Cheese Off, and the most awkward picture ever taken. And I was so tan from the beach that I resembled an Oompa Loompa. You’re welcome.
20 amazing friends who helped celebrate my birthday. And so many more who were unable to be there!! I love it when worlds collide!
15 Sundays leading worship at church. Also, seven months in construction season to prepare for our new sanctuary! It was such an exciting season in church life as we united together to serve the body of Christ.
8 snuggles from Lainey the dog (just eight or so… we’re working on it).
3 nights a week on average spent hanging out with our neighbours. I love our roommates, sweet little house, neighbourly street and our dear friends across the street.
1 fake nose ring and 1 trip to In-N-Out.
Countless conversations about the Bible with these four. They have been such a grounding group the past two years as we’ve learned to love Jesus together.
Two best friends got engaged + married! (lol at the picture below when TJ + Kels got engaged! )
Four friends got pregnant + had babies!
Two bachelorette trips.
Two babies adopted by the Creasy family!
One kidney transplant for Brendon!
This was a big year for my business… for my people… for my faith to grow… for my clients… for the church. I’m anticipating lots of reasons to step out in faith in 2020 and excited for all that this coming year will hold for my community and for my personal life! We’re in it together, peeps. Thank you for support this year!!
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