
On Saturday night, I wrote the following prayer in my journal.

“Lord, I’ve been putting myself as lord over [decisions], thinking that if I run my plans past You that it’ll be fine. Thank you for teaching me trust and patience–continue to do so and remind me of your orchestration this next week. I know that You have all these things in Your hand and will reveal them at the right times, God.”

A few months ago, I read a book that challenged me with the question, “Does anything in your life require faith?” My shameful answer was “oh gosh…” That’s led me, over the past few months, to be very aware of the way I respond to decision-making, realizing that everything is in God’s hand.

Basically everything in life at the moment requires faith– which is both an answer to prayer and a struggle. This morning I sat under two lessons/sermons concerning trust. Man, does the Lord love to confirm things to us!

We went through Joshua 6 and Matthew 6, learning that PUTting our hope in God is not passive– it requires action on our part.

Trust is the assured reliance on and confidence in character of God.

The Holy Spirit reminded me this weekend to actively trust the Lord. I hadn’t really been doing so. I’d been smothering impending decisions with worry and controlling things in my natural, constant planner-mode.

I, by no means, have anything figured out. If anything, I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing. But do not confuse this with wandering….my feet are planted on sure ground, and my hope is in the Lord.