Caroline + Carter: Homewood Church of Christ and Vulcan

Want to know something CRAZY about Caroline and Carter? They have known each other since the SIXTH GRADE! These two have dated for (basically) forever, and they were more than ready to finally tie the knot!


Caroline and her girls had so much fun getting ready together. It was SO hot that day, so we were popping in and out of the church for AC breaks to try and manage the heat. But that didn’t keep these girls from smiling the whole way through!



It was precious to see the culmination of so many years of love coming together in this first look. They truly could not wait to start life together!



We met up with the bridal party and had some fun together before heading back inside to chill before the ceremony. Everyone was thankful for a break from the heat!



The ceremony was absolutely beautiful. Each of Carter and Caroline’s parents lit the unity candles before Caroline’s entrance. Later in the ceremony, Carter and Caroline used those candles to light their own! It’s a beautiful picture of the love that’s been handed down through generations of married couples before them.



After the ceremony, we drove over to Vulcan for the reception and few more fun photos! Carter and Caroline were on cloud 9!



Their DJ was so much fun and got the crowd dancing immediately. He even taught us some choreography! Everyone had so much fun celebrating Carline and Carter. They ended the night with a sweet bubble exit, and Carter carried Carline the entire sidewalk down to their car afterwards. They are just the cutest.



I’d like to share a massive thank you to this great vendor team. All these people did their best to make this day amazing for Caroline and Carter!

Ceremony Venue: @homewoodchurch

Reception Venue: @visitvulcan ⁠

Florist: @rickywhitleyflowers ⁠

DJ: @sillsfam⁠

Hair: ⁠

Makeup: @taylor_mcgill11

Cake: @teliajohnsoncakes

Ice Cream: @bigspooncreamery ⁠

Catering: @happycateringco ⁠

Coordinator: Emily Files ⁠