Downtown Parking Deck Valentine’s Session: Matt + Mary Catherine

These two just got engaged a few weeks ago, so we got some sweet newly engaged giggles and snuggles! Matt and Mary Catherine laughed the.whole.time (probably because it was freezing cold!) and we had a blast capturing them snuggling up and showing off that bling. They’re that kind of couple that you know are in love. They’re so smitten with each other!

Matt, Mary Catherine and I are all in the same community group and it’s been a joy getting to know them. They’re always up for good jokes and our community group is always full of weird surprises. It was the best getting out of that environment and spending time with them on a parking deck overlooking downtown. I loved seeing their faces when they saw the view for the first time, and I wish I could see their faces when they see these pictures for the first time!

Happy Valentine’s Day, future Galloways!!!